Not sure if you are like me, but as we are sheltering in place, I feel that I should do more to thank our frontline workers. While I'm complaining that I can't wait for all of it to be over and to return to (the new) normal, they are working like no other, risking their lives to save ours or to serve us (US postal workers, grocery store workers, pharmacy workers, delivery drivers, etc..).

After pondering on how I could help, I realized that our recently launched mini pies gift boxes are the perfect size for us to show our appreciation to these incredible super heroes! I invite you to support our small business AND pay-it-forward by purchasing pies to be dropped off at our local San Jose hospitals to begin with. You can contribute whatever you want towards a box of pies and we will be doing WEEKLY no contact deliveries and include hand written Thank You cards to express our gratitude. Please make sure to email me your gratitude message ( to go with your pies. For every $100 we receive, 25 boxes will be delivered.

We're planning on delivering boxes every Wednesday as a midweek pick-me-up. We hope that these sweet boxes will bring a smile to these selfless heroes. Thank you for wanting to be part of this with me. I hope we can make this a recurring event so that Wednesday will become TGIPD: Thank God It's Pie Day!
Click here to be part of our Pie Drop Off amid Covid 19 crisis.